'My name is Lady Kim...BOW! Why are you not bowing?'
'Kim, wake up!'
'What? Where is Sir Humpy? Oh man, it was all a dream.'
'Kim, why are you talking to yourself?'
'It's nothing Mum. I will be down in a minute!'
One day people will learn to give me the respect I deserve. I am Lady Kim, even if no one knows it! I will prove to everyone that I am to be bowed to.
You will see that I am right, just wait, you will bow to someday!
When I am a Lady people will love me. People will smile as I go past and tell of my wonderful deeds!
'Um, Kim, what wonderful deeds?'
'Uh, I haven't done them yet.'
'What? And you think people should be bowing to you?'
'I will get back to you!'