Tuesday, 18 February 2014

A Bit of a Break...But I am Back!

So sorry about not blogging for ages! Been busy, but I'm back. Isn't that all that matters?

To get myself back into blogging I have redesigned my blog. I hope you like it!

It used to be:


Now it is:

If you don't like anything, just tell me and I will see about changing it. I wasn't certain about the colour around the images. I thought maybe it would look better in the pink of the background.

Everything will be back to normal on this blog from today forth. I will even start posting episode of the week again.

If anyone is interested I have got a little side blog for tiny bits and bobbits. You know the sort of terrible posts that aren't long enough to post, but you want everyone to read anyway? So yeah, here is the link: http://randomismymiddlenamekim.blogspot.com.au/. As you can see, I got rather taken by this decorating style.

OK, that's all for today!

-Lady Kim


  1. I love your new header! It looks awesome! :)
    And I'm glad to see you're back! :D

    1. Thanks so much Vellvin! I am glad to be back as well.
